hAcronyms are hidden acronyms. Instead of the first letter from each row making up the hAcronym, the correct letter is hidden in the row!The number of hidden words to find are listed at the bottom of the puzzle, masked with asterisks. There are no penalties for spelling a wrong word. The only limitations are the daily time limit and your own patience. Every day, a new puzzle is released to the world with 5 code words. All of the necessary letters are visible and available to select. It sounds easy doesnt it? So go ahead and give it a shot! See if you can find all of each days hAcronyms.Dont fret, it can be challenging to uncover even one word some days. Because of this, finding at least 1 hAcronym counts as a win! Be sure to find at least 1 hAcornym each day or you cant lock-in for a win.